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CodeGenDefect = object of Defect
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JavaBase = ref object of RootObj
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JavaBaseObject = ref object of JavaBase
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JavaBaseType = ref object of JavaBase
  jparent*: Option[JavaBaseType]
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JavaBlock = ref object of JavaBaseType
  jnames*: seq[string]       ## Name of the blocks
  jsnippets*: seq[seq[JavaBaseType]] ## The block of code that should be generated for each name
Used for representing if statements, for example Source   Edit  
JavaClass = ref object of JavaBaseType
  jname*: string             ## The package name for the outputted Java file
  jpublic*: bool             ## This just defines the classes visibility, by default this is true
  jstatic*: bool             ## Allows you to declare (inner) classes as static.
  jfinal*: bool              ## This defines if the class is final, by default this is false
  jextends*: string          ## Not all classes extend, so this can be nil
  jimplements*: seq[string]  ## All classes that the class extends, can be nil
  jclassvars*: seq[JavaBaseType] ## All class variables
  jclassmethods*: seq[JavaBaseType] ## All class functions (static or otherwise)
Allows empty initialisation Source   Edit  
JavaCodeEmission = ref object of JavaBaseType
  jcode*: string
The raw Java code as a string, could be anything as long as it's valid Source   Edit  
JavaFile = ref object of JavaBaseType
  jnamespace*: string        ## So a custom namespace can be added.
  jsubpackage*: string       ## Allows a subpackage to be added, such as "example"
  jclasses*: seq[JavaBaseType] ## Classes stored as a sequence to be built
  jimportStatements*: seq[string] ## Just collects all package imports
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JavaMethodDeclaration = ref object of JavaBaseType
  jreturnTyp*: string        ## The return type of the method
  jname*: string             ## The name of the method
  jarguments*: OrderedTable[string, string] ## The name-type table
  jpublic*: bool             ## Allows you to declare a public variable
  jstatic*: bool             ## Declares a field as static
  jfinal*: bool              ## Declares the variable as final, making it unchangeable
  jbody*: seq[JavaBaseType]  ## Allows for us to give different object types (such as variable declaration)
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JavaVariableDeclaration = ref object of JavaBaseType
  jtyp*: string              ## The type of the variable
  jname*: string             ## The name of the variable
  jvalue*: string            ## The value of the variable, this can be empty *if* it's static
  jpublic*: bool             ## Allows you to declare a public variable
  jstatic*: bool             ## Have to use a stupid name, but declares a field as static
  jfinal*: bool              ## Declares the variable as final, making it unchangeable
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JString = ref object of JavaBaseObject
  value*: string
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proc `$`(jb: JavaBase): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc `$`(jce: JavaCodeEmission): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc `$`(str: JString): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc jstring(str: string): JString {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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